The morning rays of the sun made my eyes shut tight in order to continue the sleep for some more time.
Suddenly, I remembered that today is the first day of my training since I reported for duty as a Class I officer.
I recollected how a street dog bite me on the day of examination for promotion. I took it as a bad omen. I was scared what would happen. It was just scratches though.
The mongrel actually did not bite me: it was probably its nail scratches. Nevertheless, I was worried. Damn!
Casting the rug off me I woke up in a suddenness.
I ambled to the balcony to see how the city welcomes the morning.
Bright kolam on the wet mud ground outside the gate of our house was too pleasing to be ignored.
I looked both sides of the street. The street was silent. But life was beginning to take off.
Two dogs across the street were busy in the overflowing dust bin.
Just behind it a domestic cross-breed from the house barked at the newspaper boy when he threw the day's newspaper on the verandah.
At the far end a shabbily clothed youth carrying a half-filled sack on his back seemed to search for something on the ground. The rag picker was already in his duty looking for the discarded valuables on the street.
Two blocks away an old neighbour just came out in shorts and a tee-shirt and walked his Pomeranian. At the first sight he barked at the rag picker until he hurriedly turned the corner. The spitz also scared the two mongrels at the dust bin away.
Poor dogs. They would come back to their food later anyway.
Why is that some dogs are well cared for and bred domestically while others stray on the streets living on the stale and discarded food leftovers.
Why does God put some dogs nurtured with love and care while leaving others to rot and die of rabies?
Look at the sordid rag picker. And look at the old man in shorts and tee-shirt.
Why did God create rich people and poor people in the same world. And why do some live in peace while others suffer?
Is God being impartial there? Is that why God is not accepted by some?
We have all been repeatedly told that all that is in the world are God's creations.
So how would you explain the paradox?
I remembered what a swamiji told.
The vedas and upanishads have just the answers. And they have stood the test of time.
All living beings reap the benefit of their own actions. Good or bad. Or both. One cannot escape the result of one's actions.
As you sow, so you reap. Depending on the nature and extent of actions the results vary. The reward of the actions wait to present itself to the deserving at the appropriate time only. It may be now, or later or even in the next births.
It is only appropriate here to use the word 'soul' when we talk of the deserving. Thus, the soul has to wait till it assumes an appropriate body or life being to experience the fruits to the optimum level.
So, whatever or howsoever one is now is because of the result of his past actions in this life or in the previous births. The logic applies to men, women, birds or animals.
Should we therefore needlessly feel sorry why some birds and animals suffer while others of the same class are better off?
Should we worry anymore why some are poor and cast a jealousy eye at the affluent?
It is the order of the nature. The Great Order, which one must not attempt to disturb. For, the order has formed on its own, just as the universe has formed on its own. If you cannot possibly change the positions of the planet you dare not disturb the nature's order.
The scriptures have ordained us all to live our lives as per the tenets without unnecessarily interfering with others' lives. Because as explained earlier, everyone gets what he deserves, and he ought to experience the rewards of his own actions without share. The more and more he experiences the rewards on his own the better for him. It is not that one should not be dependent on others. Basic dependency is fine. However, if one is seeking undue assistance in life then he not only risks of not experiencing the rewards on his own but also puts the other person who comes in help to share the cause. Thus, he would put the other person in danger of committing a sin of not allowing him to experience his fruits on his own.
Helping one in crisis is absolutely fine. Because, after all it is an opportunity that God gives you and sees if you play God to the needy. But only in times of need. Not all the times, and make him lazy and dependant.
We must therefore learn to accept life and get along without resentment. And if you train yourselves to live it happily you have learnt to accept life as God's present.
I heard the sounds of a bell ring that brought me to the present. Wife has completed the puja and walked towards me with a camphor-lit aarti.
It was time to get ready for my training.