Saturday, November 05, 2005

How Hindus are the Hindus?

The world over, the majority Muslims and Christians stand united and abide by what is laid down in their scriptures. Every Muslim performs the namas midday wherever he is. Islam is so dear to him. The Christians do not fail to attend the Sunday masses. Some even go all out to convert the others into their folds.

How many Hindus are proud of being a Hindu and strictly follow the dharma? On the contrary it is a common sight that a Hindu masquerades his true identity to blindly follow the west. However, mention must be made that because of the innate strength of the oldest religion, Sanatana Dharma, that is Hinduism, that many Hindu practices are still alive even today.

Hinduism has answer to every problem in the universe, if only one has the real desire to enquire. Self-discovery, meditation, yoga which are the happening things in the busy world today have their origins in the Hinduism.

I hereby call upon all the Hindus to unite and stay Hindus.

Sarve jana: sukhino bhavantu

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